About Us
Wire Products, Inc. has been in the wire business for over 50 years. We have evolved from a simple tie wire supplier to sophisticated manufacturing company with a wide range of capabilities. What really drives our business and the products we manufacture are our customers. We are more than just a manufacturing company, we are a dedicated service company and we service customers better than anyone. We have values that we follow in order to achieve our goals. Our mission is to Manufacture Quality and Form Relationships Worldwide. We want to be the solution you choose to satisfy all your wire needs.
Continuous Improvement:
We are committed to constantly developing and improving our products and service. This commitment is founded in the belief that by continuously adding value in innovative ways, we assure long-term success. We know that yesterday's successes will not last forever so we grow and learn to succeed again.
Customer Satisfaction:
Every product offered to the customer must be of the highest quality and assured reliability. We always deliver on our promise and only promise what we can deliver. We understand customer expectations and take steps to exceed them. We own responsibility for ensuring total customer satisfaction and take action to overcome shortcomings whenever they arise. We provide the customer value in ways that no one else can.
We consciously set standards for excellence and take steps to achieve them.
Work is an important part of life, and it should be fun. We encourage an environment filled with enjoyment and laughter. This will bring us closer and blur the line between work and fun.
We conduct ourselves in the highest ethical manner in all relationships with customers, peers, superiors and subordinates. We honor and impart principles of honesty, truth and integrity. We always do the right thing, not the easy thing.
We applaud and award those who exhibit their talents, skills and hard work.
We show respect toward all people without regard to race, religion or gender and treat each individual with human dignity.
We remember our past and utilize those precedents to influence our present.